Friday, March 03, 2006


The Lord Will Provide

By Ramone & Yoko - January 15, 2006

(written Thursday, March 8, 2007)

My wife and her sister run a footcare salon. This picture is about a situation they went through in 2005 (and will likely experience again).

Here in Japan, most business do not register themselves with the government, because if you do register your business, it means you have to pay higher taxes. But to be above-the-table, open & honest, Yoko & Michi chose to go the legit way, to walk in the light. When tax time came, of course things were high. Now among tax-paying businesses in Japan, basically everyone reports somewhat falsely. You collect a lot of expensive receipts and turn them in with your taxes in order to pay less, and whether or not those receipts had anything to do with your business or not, you claim them as if they were business expenditures anyway. Basically everyone does this here. The government tax man even advised Yoko & Michi to "be smart" the next year (i.e., include more receipts for "business expenditures").

When praying about this situation (what to do---since it is the cultural way to do taxes) Yoko saw a picture of a fish with a cross in its mouth.

It was His answer, reminding us of the story in Matthew of Jesus telling Peter to go get a fish... in which he would find ample amount to pay for taxes (taxes that really, they didn't have to pay). So Yoko & Michi payed. The next year the same situation resurfaced, and we prayed and felt God's presence strongly. Two more pictures came, but the second one isn't finished yet (the third is here). God is awesome, over and over again!


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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!

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