Friday, November 23, 2007
The Sleeping Train

By Ramone - November 20, 2007
Part I: "The Sleeping Train"Introduction
Part II: "Giving Light to the Sleepers"
Part III: "The Walk of Grace"
Part IV: "Grace Walk (1)"
Part V: "Grace Walk (2)"
This came one day as Yoko, Timothy and I got on the train. It was a pretty freezing day outside, but in the train they had the heat cranked way up. Yoko's taught me not to rely on indoor heating, so she and I were both well-prepared for the cold outside. But when we got inside, WHAM! It was hot and stuffy.
We made our way down the aisle to the end of the car (because there wasn't enough space for the both of us to sit down together), and as we leaned back against the wall of the open 'handicapped' space, Yoko pointed out to me that everyone on the train seemed to either be asleep or fighting nodding off to sleep! It was quite a funny sight.
Then she made the comment:
"I don't know if I should say this, but it reminds me of church."I told her not to feel bad about it -- it was honest and is very true, especially in many churches here in Japan. God began to impress on her it wasn't just sleep, but death. And then He showed her three pictures -- two of which I inked that day and the third recently.
Lord, use us to wake up Your sleeping people!
Bless you in Jesus!
P.S. About the pictures:
Part 1 was put online a few days after being made, but Part 2 & Part 3 were somewhat left unfinished so I never got around to putting them up until recently, when I decided to do the color versions that I'd hoped to do last year but never got around to. Part 3 and Part 4 are basically the same picture, and Part 5 is the same picture but how He showed it differently. Sorry, that's all a little confusing! I might have to re-name these or re-organize how I present them! But the original three pictures He showed here were these: Part 2, Part 3, and Part 5.
See also: "Resting In Being Abused" (at Weeping Jeremiahs)
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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!