Thursday, February 12, 2009


Love and Hope

"Love and Hope"

By Ramone - February 10, 2009

I don't completely understand this picture cognitively, but it sounds in me deeply in my soul and in my spirit. It came as I was thinking about some discussions I've had with people about the problems of dispensationalism and Christian Zionism. As I was thinking about that and the ongoing cycle of damage in the Middle East, I began to see this.

I know it is a mother —she is both Jewish and Muslim— and her baby child, who she loves dearly. She lives in the midst of difficulty all around her, but her love rises up when she sees her child. And somehow, as she does so, a new hope rises up too. Where it comes from we don't know, but it is there when we see a newborn child. It is a hope —a glimpse of a value of life in us and in God's sight— and somehow a deep knowledge that, Yes, ultimately God's love will prevail.

This is a cry for us to let love arise in us, to stare at our children and each one of us, every "one another" that there is—whether Muslims, Christians or Jews—and see one another with the same love and value that this mother sees before God and gives. It is also a prophetic picture of that love rising up in the Middle East, and around the world.

And just as children don't wait for wars to cease before being born, neither does our love need to wait for wars to cease before it rises up. Let it come forth now, Lord, in Jesus' name!


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