Wednesday, February 11, 2009

By Ramone - February 8, 2009
I inked this in church immediately after "The Angel of Babylon", while we were singing Reuben Morgan's song, "Hear Our Praises" --
May our homes be filled with dancingI confess some slight irritation at the Japanese version of the song (haha), because it changes the first line into "may the Lord's house be filled with dancing"! No! We're already dancing in our "churches"! Morgan's song is a Spirit-filled cry for dancing to spill out into the streets and overflow our cities and all lands!
May our streets be filled with joy
May injustice bow to Jesus
As the people turn to pray
May our light shine in the darkness
As we walk before the cross
May Your glory fill the whole earth
As the waters over the sea
So I started to see that. And, I confess, after doing the "negative" picture (Angel of Babylon), I was desperate for something more "positive", so to speak! But I saw this one. The city can be any city--and it IS every city!--but I made it look like Jerusalem, with steeples of churches, synagogues, and the Muslim Dome of the Rock. Why? Because we are all waiting for some "events" to happen or unfold, and a lot of us are looking at the literal nation of Israel as if it is the "map" of end-time events, or as if it is the "clock" which will tell us where we are and when things will begin, etc. Lord, NO!
The Spirit is pouring out on the inhabitants of Jerusalem (representing the world). And this is happening while the Muslim Dome of the Rock is still standing. Before getting razed, before a new Jewish Temple is built, before the supposed pre-tribulation rapture happens. Before the "tribulation" is announced to have begun. Brothers and sisters! The "tribulation" will have begun long before we think! It will not come to us with trumpets, so to speak, but the trumpets will blow and we will not recognize them until afterwards! (Just as Jesus told His disciples when He prophesied to them about His death & resurrection, "I have told you now beforehand so that after it happens, you may believe.")
Darkness covers the earth and the city, and the people of the earth (most "Christians" included) think it is the enemy. They don't recognize it for the "tribulation" that it is. The pains of labor have come upon them and they have been sleeping. But out of these dark times, during these dark times, God pours out His Spirit! The prayer of Reuben Morgan's song is answered! (>_<)
And the "walls" we have built around ourselves and around our "holy cities" are broken, the Spirit breaking them down and spreading His love and life to the lands outside, and to us who were equally dry as well! (>_<)
We don't have to wait for "that day". We pray for it NOW, Lord! Unveil our eyes to see You, and to pray and spread Your agape love to all mankind, in Jesus' name, amen!
"And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look upon Me, the One they have pierced, and they will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for Him as one grieves for a firstborn son." (Zechariah 12:10)*****
"Those who sow in tears
will reap with songs of joy...
"The Lord has done great things for us
and we are filled with joy." (Psalm 126:5,3)
See also: "Outpouring of the Spirit of the Cross" (at Weeping Jeremiahs)
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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!