Friday, July 04, 2008
Releasing the Flood (洪水を放つ)

By Ramone - July 3, 2008
Some time ago when I was thinking of some people, I saw a picture of us praying in a room, and I could feel the tears coming from the Lord. When I was describing this to a friend Wednesday evening, I told him how I didn't know what we would "do" there or what He would tell us. But He is calling us to prayer there, and I can feel the Spirit ready to pour His love through us, His tears, His love for people. I described it to my friend as like "a pent-up flood". I hadn't thought of it that way before, but suddenly I was able to see this and later that night draw it as a picture.
The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!"He is calling us to receive His love for people, to receive His aching heart, to receive His tears. We don't know what will happen, but we know He wants to give us His heart and for people to hear His heart's cry, "Come! Drink for free!" He's calling us to get into place, on our knees, individually and together, to receive His heart, to let Him pour His tears through us so that people may hear His heart's cry, the love of Him who gave Himself for all of us.
And let him who hears say, "Come!"
Whoever is thirsty, let him come;
and whoever wishes, let him take
the free gift of the water of life.
- Revelation 22:17
Lord, call us, bring us to our knees. Pour Your heart through us. Send us, in Jesus' name, amen.
その日、ダビデの家とエルサレムの住民のために、一つの泉が開かれる… (ゼカリヤ13:1)"Releasing the Flood"
God is calling us to come together—even in twos and threes—to wait on Him and receive His heart for people. Often when we come together for prayer, before we begin we want to have a plan or strategy ahead of time, or at least know what we're going to pray or how we can make our prayers "effective." But God is calling us lay aside our desire to know everything ahead of time, and to come together on our knees to wait on Him. We may not immediately "see" what action to do, what plan to make or even what prayer to pray, but He will give us His heart as we do this. As we wait on Him, He will begin to pour His heart for people into us. Sometimes we will cry a lot and not know "what to do," but this is the beginning and end of every "work" and "prayer" He calls us to do—to receive His heart and be in His heart. He's calling us to come and receive His flood of tears, and submit to waiting for His way in our lives and among the nations.
"On that day a fountain will be opened up to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem..." (Zechariah 13:1)
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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!