Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Prayers of the Righteous
By Ramone - May 6, 2008
"Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit."Last night I was washing dishes and listening to the CD "A Deeper Level" (by Israel + New Breed) because little Timothy CD always needs music in the background. I wasn't actively listening, but when this song came on my attention was caught. The song hadn't moved me much before, but this time the Lord began to speak to me through it.
- James 5:16-18
"Prayers of the Righteous"He hit me so strongly with this because I've been going through a time lately where a lot of grief, stress, anger, pain and frustration in my family has come to surface (my parents divorced when I was two, and if you've been through divorce, you know how difficult it is to halt cycles of pain, fighting, blaming & triangulation, etc., and how hard it is to just love everybody through it all).
by Israel Houghton, Aaron Lindsey & Adrian Lindsey
When we pray we believe we receive
What we ask in His name
All things are possible
When we pray we tap into
Miraculous things
And victoriously we declare
That we know the prayers
Of the righteous availeth much
The prayers of the righteous prevail
Yes we know the prayers
Of the righteous prevail
His love never fails
The prayers of the righteous
Availeth much
We are victorious
We are, we are
You are miraculous
You are, You are
As I heard the chorus --"The prayers of the righteous prevail"-- He suddenly shot through me, awakening me with faith to something I realize hadn't fully known, understood or believed. My reaction to the words was, "Really? Is this true, Lord?" And of course, Yes, it's true! He said it!
Yes, His love prevails. Yes, the prayers of His people --made-righteous-by-His-blood-- their prayers avail much and prevail over all the junk the enemy throws at us, even seemingly impossible things in broken lives, broken hearts, broken minds and broken families.
The Colors of His Promises & Our Prayers
As I wrote down how He moved me with this song, I wondered if I could find some way to put it into a painting, and then I saw this picture. It's kind of a new "style" for me, more impressionistic and less controlled, and I'm thankful for that, Lord! And the colors, I didn't what they meant until I began to type this. I used a little too much yellow -- there should be more swaths of blue, but the yellow made everything green... oh well! The result looks a bit Mexican! Maybe that's His intention (yes, His Spirit tells me now -- thank You, Lord!) because my father's side of the family is Mexican.
The colors also look like a beautiful collage of rainbows -- He is hitting me with weeping in the Spirit that this represents His beautiful collage of promises for us, and His promises that our prayers will be answered and unleashed with His might according to His loving will! His promises and power fill the sky, fill our vision and fill our worlds as we pray and lift up our hands and lives to call on Him!
It was a joy to see it and start painting this. We have overcome! And His love never fails! (Even in our families!) Amen! I praise You, God! Thank You! I weep in Your Spirit, in Your love, in awe of how true You are, how awesome and mighty Your power is! Thank You so much! All glory is Yours, Lord!
See the miniature version of this painting
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I had been thinking about the power of prayer of the righteous today.
The intense of suicide of the internet influence seemed to hold silence for six days now. We had called for intensive intercessions since April 20. We received quite a number of responses from the righteous, and once again the fire to be stand in the gap for Japan was revived.
As I was crying to the Lord in desperation past few days, the love of Christ strengthened me.
The grief, stress, anger, pain and sorrow were released to Him. I am grateful for the silence news in the past few days. We are to continue to press in for the empty hearts to be filled with the understanding of His sovereignty.
I pray that your art will continue to strengthen many in the time of needs!
Prof. Hedley had went through the second major operation and I heard that he is doing fine now. Thank you for your prayers!
The intense of suicide of the internet influence seemed to hold silence for six days now. We had called for intensive intercessions since April 20. We received quite a number of responses from the righteous, and once again the fire to be stand in the gap for Japan was revived.
As I was crying to the Lord in desperation past few days, the love of Christ strengthened me.
The grief, stress, anger, pain and sorrow were released to Him. I am grateful for the silence news in the past few days. We are to continue to press in for the empty hearts to be filled with the understanding of His sovereignty.
I pray that your art will continue to strengthen many in the time of needs!
Prof. Hedley had went through the second major operation and I heard that he is doing fine now. Thank you for your prayers!
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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!