Monday, May 26, 2008

By Ramone - May 25, 2008
On May 18th Yoko, Timothy and I went to visit a small Vineyard church in Maryland called Tapestry Church because we wanted to visit a church and we felt God led us to that one. We enjoyed fellowshiping with them and eating and talking with Pastor Dustin, and were blessed by their love and beauty in Jesus and His simple call and great heart.
During the worship I received God's heart and a word, which I shared with the pastor later by email:
...Here is what God put in my spirit as we were worshiping today, which I felt was part of that call you spoke of that He's given us to love our communities and the peoples of the world on His heart. During the song "Let Your Glory Fall" (one of my favorite songs), the line was sung, "Would You release Your anointing?"After I emailed him, I shared what I'd written with some close spiritual friends. Hazel, my spiritual mum, wrote back:
The word "anointing" usually means "power" to most charismatic Christians... miracles, healings, signs and wonders, etc. And there's no end to new "anointings" to be received at a meeting, etc. Sometimes it's real, and other times I wonder. But nevertheless, this happens because the thing we think we're waiting for is God's "outpouring of power", so to speak, waiting for is Him to release His power, and as if He hasn't yet or has been holding back.
As we worshiped He began to speak to me that "power" is not the question... rather, He is longing to release His passionate broken heart to us. The question is not Him holding back, but rather, will we accept His broken heart? His breaking heart for all of those around us, His broken heart for His Son (Zechariah 12:10)... this is the release of His passion, power, rivers of the water of life! (Zechariah 13:1)
Bless you in His love,
As I read what you so beautifully described as God's passionate broken heart that He longs to release to us, I was reminded of a vision I received a number of years ago as I was praying for a family at my old church to be comforted in the loss of their loved one. In that vision I saw a visual of God's heart in the heaven's beating with a jagged crack going down through the middle of it. Many times the dark clouds passed over His heart and covered it momentarily, only to reveal that it was still beating and still broken after they passed by. Yes, I believe that God's heart is breaking for all that He sees that is going on in this world and from that broken heart of infinite love flows His passion and His Life... Yes, Lord we will receive your passionate broken heart for Your children... We exchange our cold and indifferent hearts for Your passionate broken heart.Hazel painted a picture of the vision she saw, "Father's Heart". As I thought of what she'd written and remembered her picture, this picture came...
A picture of His broken heart, the anointing of His heart He longs to pour on us, and us receiving it by His grace, for the sake of His broken heart, for our own sakes, and for the sakes of those around us. Bless You, Jesus. Thank You. Pour out Your broken heart on us, Lord! In Jesus' name, amen!
See also: "Will You Accept My Cry?" (at Weeping Jeremiahs)
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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!