Friday, November 03, 2006

By Ramone - October 23, 2006
I was reading an incredible book by a Native American minister named Richard Twiss, "One Church, Many Tribes: Following Jesus the Way God Made You", when this picture kind of came as I walked home one day. For awhile I've been praying for the native expression of the Gospel to be sung in Japan... for the Church to not feel like she must imitate and look up to the Western Church. Reading Twiss' book is quite the beautiful eye-opener, and I pray it gets translated quickly into Japanese someday.
This picture is something I glimpsed of joy ("yorokobi" in Japanese), of people set free in Jesus and praising Him the way God made them here in Japan. I pray for the reunification of the Japanese heart with the Gospel it was made for. I pray that the "eternity" He set in the Japanese heart is allowed to connect with the Gospel that they are made to receive, and that they will receive when set free from many things we (missionaries) have unintentionally taught them that they must do, think, or be like. I believe He will do it, and I long for that day, for many will know yorokobi in Jesus, and it will be beautiful.
I get teary thinking of it, Lord. Heal Your land, Your people, and raise up their voice and set their hearts free to worship You. And we'll rejoice with them, too. In Jesus' name, amen.
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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!