Thursday, May 28, 2009


Put Your Hand Here!

Put Your Hand Here!

By Ramone - April 24, 2009

Note: I've thought of at least two legitimate meanings to this picture, and I don't want the story of how it came to limit what He might say to you personally. Through our outstretched hands (our hearts, our words, our actions of love), God's hand stretches out. And when that happens, (1) walls that need to fall come crumbling down, and (2) healthy walls of our souls that need healing and rebuilding get healed and rebuilt! Hallelu Yah and Amen!

I started this picture while talking with my friend Roseline about a place I've been praying for, a people who have been trapped in by walls of lies, and whose personal walls have been broken down. As we were talking with our spirits open to the Lord, she began to see a picture, a vision of me stretching out my hand and a wall crumbling to dust.

After finishing the "wall" part of this picture a few days later, I realized it needed something else, and that's when God put it in me to trace my hand on top of it. And then later still He gave me the title, which makes me weep in the Spirit, because He is saying that His hand moves through our hands: "Stretch out your hand, and I will move with My hand!"

In turn, saying that also reminds me of when you put your hand on your mother or father's hand to see how much bigger theirs is than yours (like in this picture by a pastor's wife). I think in the same way, when we stretch out our hand, we'll see how big His hand is, so much bigger than ours!!

His hand in interceding; your hand in reaching out

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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!

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