Monday, December 01, 2008


My Sins

My Sins

By Ramone - November 29, 2008
"I'll never know how much it cost
to see my sins upon that cross"
At a gospel concert last night a choir sang "Here I am to Worship" (and I sang along). During the bridge I began to see a vision. I saw my sins on red cards, one by one shooting forward, going onto the cross. One, then another, and another, and another. He has taken them all!

When I was at a missions orientation retreat ten years ago, after a morning worship the director had us write down our sins and what we wanted to confess on a red piece of paper. Then we folded it in half, took it outside to a meter-long wooden cross, and with a hammer and nail we put our sins onto the cross. I don't think any of us spoke during the whole time. After we were each finished, we came back in and took communion together. Later the red papers were removed and burned.

It was deeply moving, and perhaps it was the first time I really heard and began to understand the gospel (what Christianity is all about). The image has stayed with me all these years, and it came back in the vision I described above as I worshiped during the concert. I painted this in my seat during the rest of the concert. I didn't know how to write the 'sins' on the cards, and what He gave me was to do with with my gray pen which is running out of ink... because the 'sins' fade away and disappear there on the cross. (Thank You, Jesus)

Sometime earlier I believe I had a dream --and now I see it in a vision-- of this being a kind of "gate" that we all pass under, pass through. We leave our sins, our condemnation, our death, we leave it all at the gate, and go forward into the garden, into a new life, into intimacy with Him and healing for our wounds. In Jesus' name, amen. Thank You, God. Thank You!

I like it alot! Mom

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