Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Jar

By Ramone - August 2, 2006
I haven't put up this picture until now because I felt a little strange about it... it's not a "positive" picture. But it is from God, and it is from His heart for us. Because of that--intercession--I'm putting it up here. I realize that prophetic art does not need to be necessarily positive, because all the things that God Himself sees are not always positive. What it does need to be is from His heart, and whatever in His sight will be redemptive and for our healing.
A year ago Yoko and I were reminiscing about a church we'd been members at some years earlier. We loved the people, but it was a difficult experience because a spirit of control entered the leadership and hit us pretty hard, as well as many others who left both before we did and after we did. As we talked about this, Yoko saw this picture.
God desires for His people to fly free in relationship with Him, but often churches (particularly charismatic churches) erect a sort of glass wall to keep people in. Usually it's called "covering", but the effect of it is to keep people dependent on the leadership instead of in personal flight with God. The process of transformation into a butterfly is difficult in such an environment.
As I said, I didn't want to put this up, but now I realize, "Who am I to sift what's on God's heart?" I had rushed to draw this picture instead of pray for what God was showing for intercession. So now I'm putting it up for the proper reason. Lord, here's that bit of Your heart for us, Your children, that You showed my wife. Please come in and break the different jars we erect to keep one another loyal to our ministries, and let us grow free and fly in You. In Jesus' name, amen.
See also: "Persecution" (at Weeping Jeremiahs)
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Be blessed in His heart today! His heart is for you!